[bluebox Logo]

[Begin] [The Project] [Downloads] [Participate] [Simulator] [Sponsors] [Contact] [End] Deutsch

At this page we try to collect all data, which are related to the bluebox project. It is possible to click through the folders directly on the server. If you found something about bluebox on the net, which is not listed here yet, we would appreciate an email. Please send it to bluebox (at) blinkenarea.org.


The most press is in german language, you can see it in the german press section.

Press Photos

For publications about project bluebox, Magdeburger Club, BlinkenArea, Magdeburg, media art and architecture art, these pictures can be used without restrictions by indicating the photographer Wolf Brüning.





Copyleft 2006/2007 Magdeburger Club e. V. & BlinkenArea
[Datenschutzerklärung/Privacy Policy]