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To imagine how the finished project will look like, a online simulator is available for the moment. The applet is streaming movies from the server. If it does not start you may not have installed the the recent java runtime environment. At java.com the appropriate versions for Linux, MacOS X, Windows and Solaris can be downloaded. Mac OS(X)users can update their java via "software update" in the apple menu.

The simulator is available in two 2 skins:
BlinkenSim BlinkenSim

An offline version of the simulators can be obtained at /downloads/software/.

To use the offline Version you'll need a browser and a Java runtime environment, too. To watch your own movies, copy them into the movies folder of the unpacked zip-archive. Now you have to add your movie to the playlist. Open the file playlist with a text editor and enter the name of your file. You have to be aware of capitalization as well as only putting one file in each line. So the file names will always have to be one below another. Open one of both available html files, depending on the skin you prefer and your playlist will start.

If you still have questions, problems or comments, you can turn to the BlinkenArea forum.

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